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6 Pound Cannabis Give Away On April 20 (420)
If you'd like a chance to win one pound of cannabis, you need to get to LightnUpCannabis.Com from April 1 through 20. Buy $50 worth of product, get one ticket in the 6-pound cannabis giveaway. Co-owner Kyle Cohee provides all the details in this video interview....
Michigan’s 2 Cannabis Consumption Lounges Let You Smoke Inside – But Will Others Follow In Michigan?
In a small northern Michigan town, a historic opera house has been transformed into a lounge with plump leather chairs where people can sit and smoke weed together. Kalkushka, based in downtown Kalkaska, is one of two licensed cannabis consumption lounges in Michigan....
The Delft In Escanaba Becoming Cannabis Friendly Entertainment Venue
James Peterson, his kids and an investor purchased The Delft Theater in Escanaba, Michigan, on the Lake Michigan shoreline, last fall and are now retrofitting it into an entertainment venue that can accommodate more than 200 people. It also will be cannabis-friendly....
Hash Bash Cannabis Bus Tour, Cannabis-Friendly Resort In Irish Hills
What Hash Bash would be complete without a bus tour of the dispensaries that make Ann Arbor the cannabis-capitol of Michigan? Anthony Freed is providing two tours during Hash Bash on April 1 for 17 people each to experience the day, the culture and the history....
Hash Bash Marketing, Latrisha Matson From Michigan Weedsters Provides Details
Michigan Weedsters Founder and marketing professional Latrisha Matson updates the marketing brochure she's developing for Hash Bash attendees. She'll be at the Michigan Weedsters booth to share it and also recruit volunteers to help clean up after Hash Bash on...
Food Trucks New For Monroe Street Fair April 1
Charlie Strackbein, co-founder of the Monroe Street Fair, updates what's in store on April 1 for those who attend. This year's edition includes food trucks to help all those attending the Fair and the Hash Bash on the nearby University of Michigan campus feed the...
Josey Scroggin Hosts Redemption Fund Raiser March 18
Cannabis activist Josey Scroggin, founder of Sons and Daughters United, and Director of the Redemption Foundation, joins Four20 Post Live to promote her upcoming Redemption Expungement Network fund raiser on March 18 at Hot Box Social in Hazel Park. Learn more at...